Friday, November 21, 2014

Final Project concept

      I was thinking about coming up with a game design company that is made up of other designers that feel let down by their larger and popular companies that they currently work for and have branched off from said companies. as most people know, companies such as Sonic Team, Capcom, and Treyarch have been making sequels that have started to loose their way and make miserable sequels one after another. This company would offer a job to the designers that have true passion for their work and see that these creations do not live up to their title and allow them to work together to make their own masterpieces.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

I cannot really pick a favorite movie but the Dukes of Hazzard is fairly high up on my list. the movie poster is the same as the DVD cover but its simplicity fits the movie itself. It has most if not all of the major characters and is fairly easy to identify which role each actor has. Recognizing each key character is key for drawing in fans of the older TV show, then of course there's the legendary car directly in the center like its meant to be the first thing the viewer is meant to see. Keeping things close to the shows lore is key to drawing in the fans of the show, but at the same time making slight changes and updating some things is also a key for drawing in new fans or people who did not know about it before. In my poster i plan on doing something similar with putting the important characters up front, however instead of just having a empty and open field in the background, it will emphasize that there are 2 large forces fighting and will have them split up on either side to keep it organized.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Movie plot - FLAME WAR


Story: For years there has been fighting over the internet arguing over which is better for gaming - PC or consoles. After hundreds of years of the arguing going on it eventually turns into a real life "Flame War" (a pointless argument over the internet where nobody is actually right or wrong). My character is going to be the neutral-evil protagonist doing what he can to make both ends stop fighting by any means. The genre would be a mix of action thriller and gaming-Sifi where different PC/Console based game characters/machines are being created

Poster description: I was planning on having my character closest to the front/viewer with each "war boss" on either side representing the 2 sides. Behind them is a desolate battlefield with the 2 forces divided on either side -both with their own special "units" up front and more towards the middle. The sky will be stormy with a dark red tint to add to the atmosphere.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Interview Reaction

His art style really reminds me of the old Dudly-Do-Right and Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons. He seems to be really poplar as well but doesn't let his popularity inflate his ego. It was almost like talking to a fellow classmate when reading his responses. It's also good to know that hes open to new ideas and is wiling to try new things. Knowing that famous professionals still use the same programs we are learning to use now is also nice to know.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ted Talk Reaction

It was somewhat difficult to comprehend what exactly the presentation was exactly about, however what I did manage to catch made sense. Most people see "design" as something that appeals visually, regardless of its purpose. However, it also means to imagine and create/improve something that is useful. At the same time, something may look nice as well as be beneficial by its functionality such as the presenter mentioned about the variety of work spaces. She also brought up the sense of safety in design which I had not thought about before. Of course things created for safety reasons do not usually focus on how it looks but rather how well it works and how safe it is.

Friday, September 12, 2014

HW questions 1

What is functionality?
Functionality is how useful/productive something is. An items functionality/purpose determine its usefulness.

What is non-functionality?
something that does not operate correctly, or does but has no real purpose.

Friday, September 5, 2014


What is your computer experience?
- For years i had to deal with the "family computer" but it was technically my fathers which was a Dell desktop that ALWAYS had something wrong with it. Even when they had bought it it was technically outdated and extremely slow so i rarely used it dispute wanting to learn more abut it. Approximately 3 years ago they had finally gotten me a Dell Inspiron laptop of my own. I primarily use it for gaming and school work and nothing else besides that really. This class as well as my fundamentals to graphic design class are the first times i have ever used an Mac or any apple computer. even using now to type this is a little disorienting but it's just something i'll need to get used too.

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
- I took a graphic design class during my senior year of high school that primarily focused on Photoshop. However the class itself was somewhat unorganized and the instructions were out dated and I retained very little that we had gone over.

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
- As i mentioned in the first question, I have my laptop. It has neither Photoshop nor Illustrator but i do have a program called GIMP that works similarly to them but i mainly use it to make .gif files for "sprays" in games.

What is your major ?
- Game Design

What do you hope to get out of this class?
- Everybody in my family is always saying I have over the top creativity and ideas, howeverI don't really believe them so hopefully this helps me realize if its true or not. I also want to re-learn what i had gotten from my class in high school as well as much more.

Who is your favorite artist?
- I don't normally follow actual physical "art" however Leonardo Da Vinci, not just for how his creations look, but because he did SO much in his lifetime. He practiced countless art forms while making globally famous pieces that are still appreciated to this day. Also, he went out on a limb and designed war machines for the military, something not many other artists would be willing to do, no less do it so well.

Who is your favorite musician? 
- This is somewhat hard to answer since most of the music I listen to is created specifically for some games that I play. But if i must choose one it would need to be Johnny Cash.

Tell me something interesting about yourself?
- Frankly I'm pretty boring. The only major thing thats gone on in my life was that i was diagnosed with cancer when i was 2 and obviously survived. i don't remember it at all because i was so young at the time but i'm fine now.

Write a five line story?
-Politicians play their games and toy with the lesser people to gain their trust
Celebrities flood the public media drawing in countless obsessive drones
The economy destroys peoples hopes and dreams along with their wallets
Isn't tthe real world an amazing place?
Why can't we live in a virtual one?