Saturday, October 11, 2014

I cannot really pick a favorite movie but the Dukes of Hazzard is fairly high up on my list. the movie poster is the same as the DVD cover but its simplicity fits the movie itself. It has most if not all of the major characters and is fairly easy to identify which role each actor has. Recognizing each key character is key for drawing in fans of the older TV show, then of course there's the legendary car directly in the center like its meant to be the first thing the viewer is meant to see. Keeping things close to the shows lore is key to drawing in the fans of the show, but at the same time making slight changes and updating some things is also a key for drawing in new fans or people who did not know about it before. In my poster i plan on doing something similar with putting the important characters up front, however instead of just having a empty and open field in the background, it will emphasize that there are 2 large forces fighting and will have them split up on either side to keep it organized.

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